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10am - 4pm, Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 March, 2022 in the Bondi Beach Park North


The Volvo Ocean Lovers Markets is a curated showcase of eco innovative ideas, information and cool ocean loving products and projects.

Hear and see from eco pioneers, authoritative knowledge sharers and change makers.


Please click & download the PDF below for our Market Invitation


Our ethos – the Markets will be curated to showcase innovative products and projects that don’t cost the earth and are designed to specifically help protect or enhance our ocean environment and wildlife.

A particular focus is on products that recycle, reuse or reduce plastic waste getting into our oceans.

Our curation process will ensure minimal duplication of product offers and the ability to stand-out to our Ocean Lovers Festival crowd.

Our ‘Sunshine Stage’ will be the centrepiece of the festival hub with all day entertainment.



Your inclusion will ensure a social media post on our Facebook and Instagram to our Ocean Lovers audience and inclusion in our online Festival Program. Store holders are entitled to a stage presence spot.

The Markets will be promoted widely through publicity, EDM’s, posters and signage. Other marketing avenues include Waverley Council, Destination NSW, Tourism Australia and through our many festival partners and supporters.

Location: Bondi Beach Park nrth.

When: Saturday and Sunday 12 & 13 March 2022.
10am to 4pm.


Stalls: Fete stalls will be approx 3m x 3m or you can amend your stall with us to fit dimensions and specifications you require at your own cost.

Change rooms: There is access to change rooms in the Bondi Pavilion.


Signage: There will be Market signage at entries and other strategic points.

Staff: The festival will provide Market support staff to direct patrons and assist market stallholders.

Insurance: General public liability cover included. Stallholders will require their own for special cover.

Logistics: Bump in at 7am Saturday March 12th for a 10am start. Bump out will commence at the closing of the Eco Markets - 4pm Sunday 13th.

Fees and procedures to apply will be included in info pack.

How to Apply: Please complete the  online application form and EMAIL US your logo in High Resolution and photograph for PR and marketing.

Become an Ocean Lover

Get Onboard 



Media Partner

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NFP Partner

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Supporting Partners

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Hope Spot

Contact Us




Ocean Lovers Festival acknowledges the Bidjigal and Gadigal people, who traditionally occupied, and never ceded, the Sydney Coast.  We share their passion to care for country, paying respect to the Eora Saltwater People’s traditions that protect and nurture the land and sea from the past to the present

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